Narrow Gate and Narrow Way

What Pink observed in his day is even worse now. That is, the “easy-believism” that is commonly preached. Salvation is not merely a matter of a person’s decision, or as we sometimes hear: “It’s as easy as A,B,C: Accept, Believe, Confess.” Jesus himself declares in the Sermon on the Mount that salvation is not an […]


This audio clip is taken from Chapter 45 of the Sermon on the Mount by A.W. Pink. It is a good reminder to keep asking, seeking, and knocking.

Guarding Your Heart, My Perspective and Quotes

A delightful book, truly. It’s an exposition of Proverbs 4:23.  This book kind of beat me up a bit. And then, it made me ponder my own Christian walk. And then to take action to better keep my own heart.   (As I mentioned in an earlier post, it’s easy to get things out of […]